Saturday, January 22, 2011

Photo Friday, Week 3: Macro

This week's theme for Photo Friday Project is Macro.  Thanks once again to Trina for hosting!  To join the linkup, please visit the Week 3 post on Trina's blog.  As I said last week, I’m personally trying to take better food pictures to go with my other blog.  For the macro theme, I really wanted to play with focus a bit to see if I could get part of my picture in focus and the rest slightly less focused. I think I accomplished that well with my photo.
The picture is of the top of a batch of English Toffee and features melted Hershey bars and chopped walnuts.  To me it looks delicious and I can only hope shows a more artistic approach than I’ve done previously with candy pictures.
I hope you join in and link up with Trina and the rest of the group.  Have a great weekend!!


  1. Yummo!!! That looks delish! Great job Kari :)

  2. English Toffee - YUM! You did a good job with your photo :)

  3. I thought it was a Texas sheet cake... (also very yummy!) he he... but as soon as you said it... I thought... right... of course!! lol! ;) Food is SO hard to photograph! *thorn in my side!* ;)
    hopping late... will hop sooner this week!! Lol!~
